#105 : 24 heures

Profitant de l'inconscience de Morpheus, John teste sa théorie de l'honnêteté sur les clients de la cafétéria où il s'est installé… et le résultat est terrifiant.


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24 heures

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Réalisateur : Jamie Childs

Scénario : Vanessa Benton, Catherine Smyth-McMullen

Casting :
Tom Sturridge ... Dream
Boyd Holbrook ... The Corinthian
Vivinne Acheampong ... Lucienne
Patton Oswalt ... Matthew
Mason Alexander Park ... Desire
Vanessu Samunyai ... Rose Walker

Guests :
Joely Richardson ... Ethel Cripps
Niamh Walsh ... Ethel Cripps jeune adulte
Emma Duncan ... Bette Munroe
Steven Brand ... Marsh Janowski
Laurie Davidson ... Mark Brewer
Daisy Head ... Judy Talbot
James Udom ... Garry
Lourdes Faberes ... Kate Fletcher
David Thewlis ... John Dee
Sarah Quist ... Lindy

Chapter 5: 24/7

Matthew: Boss? Boss, wake up… Hey, boss, come on, get up. I mean it, seriously. We gotta get you out of here. Gotta get your ruby back. But we can't do that unless you wake the fuck up! Wake up!


Bette Munroe: Anywhere you like, hon. I'll be right with you.

Reporter: Don't go away. We're about to serve you a thousand-gallon cup of coffee, right after Traffic with Terri.

Terri: Right. Uh, looking at traffic, 95 is backed up for a few miles after an accident involving two semitrucks. It seems one of the trucks was carrying hazardous materials. Luckily, nothing was spilled...

Customer: Thanks, Lindy. Have a good night.

Lindy: You too.

Bette Munroe: Best seat in the house. How are you doing today?

John Dee: How am I doing? Well... I'm feeling better than I have for quite some time. Thank you.

Bette Munroe: Mmm. I could use some of that. What's your secret?

John Dee: Shall I tell you the truth?

Bette Munroe: Well, honesty is the best policy.

John Dee: That's what they say, isn't it? Well, I hope it's true. This... Is my secret.

Bette Munroe: It's gorgeous.

John Dee: It makes dreams come true.

Bette Munroe: I bet it does. And what are you dreaming about? New house? New job?

John Dee: A new world. A more honest one.

Bette Munroe: That is the dream, isn't it? Well, can I get you a cup of coffee while we wait for our dream to come true?

John Dee: Please. But we won't be waiting for long.

Bette Munroe: Then I better hurry up and get you that coffee.


Reporter: Next, we have one of our favourite friends at the show, Dr. Brenda, in studio to talk about a new diet that's sweeping the nation.

Bette Munroe: Coffee, Lindy?

Lindy: Oh, I better not, hon. I'm at the end of a double, and Marsh will be here soon.

Bette Munroe: Uh, would you mind watching the front door while I'm in the ladies room?

Lindy: Now, that much I can handle.


Bette Munroe: I'll be right back to take your order.

John Dee: No rush. I have everything I need for now.


Reporter: Are advising that drivers detour on 195 if they can. We'll keep you updated as weather situations...

Marsh Janowski: You by yourself, Lindy? No one on the floor.

Lindy: No, Bette's here.

Reporter: It looks like that particular weather pattern...


Bette Munroe: Hi, Marsh.

Marsh Janowski: Bette.

Lindy: Have fun, you two. Mama's got a date with her blackout curtains.

Marsh Janowski: See you, Lindy.

Bette Munroe: How are you, Marsh? You good?

Marsh Janowski: Yeah.


Reporter: Predicting severe thunderstorms from a storm front moving in from the south. Now, those should clear up by your drive home and…

Bette Munroe: Judy, you wanna sit or get something to go?

Judy Talbot: Hmm?

Bette Munroe: Coffee? I just made a fresh pot.

Judy Talbot: God, yes… I'm gonna pee. If, uh... If Donna comes, will you tell her I'm here?

Bette Munroe: Sure.

Judy Talbot: Will you tell her to wait?

Bette Munroe: Absolutely.

Judy Talbot: Thanks, Bette.


Customer 2: Hey, give me a minute.

Judy Talbot: Hey.

Rose Walker: Hey, I got your text. What's going on?

Judy Talbot: Is Donna there with you?

Rose Walker: No, why? You guys okay?

Judy Talbot: Yeah, we just... We had this stupid fight last night and she left around midnight and... And never came home. So, of course, I'm... Freaking the fuck out.

Rose Walker: I'm so sorry, Jude.

Judy Talbot: You haven’t heard of her?

Rose Walker: No.

Judy Talbot: Rose?

Rose Walker: I haven't, I swear. Did you try her mom's?

Judy Talbot: She wouldn't go to her mom's… Would she?

Rose Walker: Do you want me to call over there and find out?

Judy Talbot: No. I should at least pretend to be a grown-up and call her myself.

Rose Walker: Okay, then.


Bette Munroe: I guess Judy and Donna had another fight last night. Donna left and never came home. Now Judy's calling all over town, frantic… I don't know why Judy's wasting her time on Donna Cavanagh. Judy's so pretty, she could have any man in town… I think some people are just afraid to be happy, you know?

Marsh Janowski: We're running low on mushrooms.

Bette Munroe: I'll make a note.


Bette Munroe: One for lunch, handsome?

Mark Brewer: Uh, is it okay if I... I'm kinda early for an interview in the neighbourhood. Is it okay if I just have coffee?

Bette Munroe: Of course, I just made a fresh pot… I'll set you up right here… You interviewing at Vanguard?

Mark Brewer: How do you know?

Bette Munroe: Not a lot of places around here make you wear a suit to an interview.

Mark Brewer: I don't wear them very often.

Bette Munroe: Well, you should. It looks good on you… They're gonna love you.

Mark Brewer: You're very nice. Thank you.

Bette Munroe: I'm not being nice. I just... I get a sense about people. You're gonna get this job.


Bette Munroe: Judy, coffee's ready… I'll just, uh, refill these creamers.

Judy Talbot: No offense, but I'm waiting for someone.

Mark Brewer: Well, I can move if you two would rather sit here.

Judy Talbot: We're good, thanks.

Mark Brewer: I'm Mark, by the way.

Judy Talbot: And I'm gay, so...


Bette Munroe: Did you look at the menu?

John Dee: I confess, I've been rather distracted. Perhaps you could recommend something.

Bette Munroe: There they are! I am... I'm so sorry. Just one sec.

John Dee: Of course.


Bette Munroe: Happy anniversary, you two! How are you on your special day?

Garry: How do you remember?

Kate Fletcher: Every single year.

Bette Munroe: How could I forget? You two are my proudest achievement.


Judy Talbot: That's just sad. She set them up.


Bette Munroe: I set them up.


Customer 3: Oh, yeah?

Customer 4: Oh, wow.

Judy Talbot: They were regulars...


Bette Munroe: Two of my best customers.


Judy Talbot: She thinks she has this sense about people...


Bette Munroe: I get this sense about people. So one day I sat them down side by side...


Judy Talbot: Where you're sitting now.


Bette Munroe: And here we all are, five years later.

Garry: The five best years of my life.

Kate Fletcher: Stop it.

Customer 3: Congratulations.

Customer 4: Happy anniversary.

Kate Fletcher: Thank you so much.

Gary: Thank you.


Judy Talbot: You think it's sweet?

Mark Brewer: What if she does have a sense about people?

Judy Talbot: She just tried to set us up.


Bette Munroe: How's work going?

Kate Fletcher: Good. Busy. Garry's supervising a new venture that looks promising. Right, sweetie?

Garry: How are you, Bette? How's Bernard doing? How's the writing going?

Kate Fletcher: Yeah, how's the novel?

Bette Munroe: Uh, good, you know. I thought I'd have more time to write with Bernard off at college, but it's been great having him home, so... What'll I get you two?

Kate Fletcher: Oh. We will have... The usual, sweetie? Spinach salads.

Marsh Janowski: Order up.

Garry: Oof. Look at that burger.

Kate Fletcher: Oh, you've been so disciplined. We don't want to ruin your macros.

Garry: Mmm, but it's our anniversary.

Kate Fletcher: You're right. We're celebrating. You should get whatever you want.

Garry: Don't say that or I'll get the double-decker.

Kate Fletcher: What's the double-decker?

Bette Munroe: Oh, it's got two of everything. Two patties, two layers of bacon, cheese, two fried eggs.

Kate Fletcher: Oh, God.

Garry: See?

Kate Fletcher: Get it. I mean, if that's what you want.

Garry: I'll have the salad.

Bette Munroe: I admire your discipline. Both of you. Spinach salads on the way.


Customer 5: Thanks.

Mark Brewer: They're trying to help people.

Judy Talbot: They're trying to enslave people. That's what Big Pharma does. You'll find out once you get the job.

Mark Brewer: What makes you think I'll get it?

Judy Talbot: Vanguard fucking loves people like you.

Mark Brewer: They're from Vanguard?

Bette Munroe: That's the CEO.

Mark Brewer: You're kidding. What's his name?

Judy Talbot: Dude, she's the CEO. He's the trophy husband.

Bette Munroe: Want me to introduce you?

Judy Talbot: Don't do it.

Mark Brewer: Thank you, but my level, it's probably best to stay off the CEO's radar for as long as possible. Thank you though.

Bette Munroe: Well, how about lunch then? The CEO's having a spinach salad. I could have Marsh put grilled chicken on that for you.

Mark Brewer: Yeah, I've got some time. That sounds good.

Bette Munroe: Spinach salad, grilled chicken… Oh, my gosh.


Bette Munroe: I'm so sorry, sir. It's their anniversary.

John Dee: Yes, I heard. You introduced them.

Bette Munroe: I did.

John Dee: And you're not really a waitress, are you, Bette? You're a writer.

Bette Munroe: Well, I'm a waitress who writes.

John Dee: Fiction? Non-fiction?

Bette Munroe: Well, my characters are all based on real people, but it's fiction, I guess, because all my stories have happy endings.

John Dee: Well, that's because you know when to stop.

Bette Munroe: How do you mean?

John Dee: The trouble with stories is, if you keep them going long enough, they all end in death, don't they?

Marsh Janowski: Order up.

Bette Munroe: So, what'll you have, handsome?

John Dee: Ah. May I ask, you don't really think I'm handsome, do you?

Bette Munroe: No, of course I don't.

John Dee: Then why did you call me that? Why did you lie?

Bette Munroe: I don't know. I... I guess I was just trying to be... I just wanted to make you feel... I wanted you to like me.

John Dee: I do like you. I like this version of you much better, don't you? Isn't it a relief to tell the truth for once? Don't you wish we could live in a world where we could say what we actually think?

Bette Munroe: I do.

John Dee: Well, it starts with us, Bette, you and I. We're going to change the world. Make a more honest one.


Kate Fletcher: I was trying to be supportive.

Garry: By calling me fat... In front of Bette?

Kate Fletcher: I did not… Who keeps texting you?

Garry: Shipping. They want the distro list.

Marsh Janowski: Order up.

Kate Fletcher: I sent that to Spencer last night. I'll text him.

Garry: Don't do that… When Spencer asked me a question and you answer it? How does that look?

Kate Fletcher: You care too much about what other people think.

Garry: Yes, because I'm not the boss. I've no authority or credibility when you do shit like that all the time.

Kate Fletcher: Lower your voice right now.

Bette Munroe: Here we are. One spinach salad and one double-decker.

Kate Fletcher: We didn't order that. He didn't order that.

Bette Munroe: You didn't, did you? Oh, I'm so sorry.

Garry: It's fine.

Kate Fletcher: You're not eating that.

Garry: I won't eat the bun.

Kate Fletcher: Bette, would you mind...

Garry: Can I please just eat what I want for once, please?

Kate Fletcher: Thank you, Bette.

Garry: Thanks, Bette.


Judy Talbot: Hey, how many bars do you have? I don't think my texts are going through. Can I text you to see?

Mark Brewer: They're going through. She doesn't wanna hear from you.

Judy Talbot: What?

Mark Brewer: Uh, I've got four bars.

Judy Talbot: Fuck you, dude.


Bette Munroe: Judy? Did you hear from Donna? You wanna wait a little while longer? I'll get you a menu.


John Dee: Are you all right?

Judy Talbot: I don't think I am.

Marsh Janowski: Order up.

Judy Talbot: She left at, like, midnight and I haven't heard from her since. She hasn't answered my calls or my texts. I... I hope she's all right.

John Dee: Do you?

Judy Talbot: No. Hope she's been in a fucking car accident, at least that would explain why she hasn't texted back.

John Dee: Why did she leave?

Judy Talbot: We had a fight.

John Dee: About what?

Judy Talbot: I get jealous sometimes.

John Dee: Do you think she's cheating on you?

Judy Talbot: No, she would never.

John Dee: Then why do you get so angry?

Judy Talbot: I didn't say I get angry. I said I get jealous.

John Dee: You're angry now, why?

Judy Talbot: Because I don't like people judging me.

John Dee: I'm not judging you. No one here is judging you.

Judy Talbot: Everyone here is judging me… You, Bette, Marsh, you all think I'd be so much happier if I just fucked a dude.

John Dee: Bette doesn't think Donna's good enough for you.

Judy Talbot: She said that?

John Dee: To Marsh. I heard her.

Judy Talbot: Yeah, well, she's wrong. I'm the one who's not good enough for Donna.


Kate Fletcher: That burger made you sick to your stomach, didn't it?

Bette Munroe: There you are. Happy anniversary, you two.

Kate Fletcher: Hi, Bette.

Garry: Hi, Bette.

Bette Munroe: How are you on your special day?


Marsh Janowski: Order up.

Bette Munroe: Is this right?

Marsh Janowski: Isn't that what he wanted?

Reporter: I usually enjoy being right about the weather, but not today. The storms I predicted are producing high winds and hail, which aren't totally unheard of this time of year. It's just that, apparently, they're coming down from the north now, instead of the storm fronts...


Kate Fletcher: Who are you texting?

Garry: Shipping. They want the distro list… Give me that.

Bette Munroe: Here we are. One spinach salad and one double-decker.

Garry: Marsh, I salute you.

Bette Munroe: Before you two leave, there's a young man here interviewing at Vanguard today. His name is Mark. Mark. Mark, come. Meet my friends… Kate and Garry Fletcher, this is...

Mark Brewer: Hi. Mark Brewer. Sorry to interrupt.

Kate Fletcher: Not at all. Bette says you have an interview with us today.

Mark Brewer: Yeah. I should probably get going. I don't wanna be late for it.

Kate Fletcher: Don't go. We can do it here.

Mark Brewer: You mean with you?

Kate Fletcher: Mmm-hmm.

Garry: Kate?

Kate Fletcher: Bette speaks very highly of you… Please. Sit.

Mark Brewer: Yeah.


Bette Munroe: You're not gonna believe this. I think I just got Mark a job at Vanguard… Marsh? Can you not even look at me?

Marsh Janowski: We're at work, Bette.

Bette Munroe: Well... What about after work? You could come over, I can make us dinner.

Marsh Janowski: Is Bernard gonna be there?

Bette Munroe: Probably. But Bernard likes you. He actually talks when you come over. He doesn't talk when it's just me… And after dinner, he'll go up to his room and... You could come to mine.

Marsh Janowski: I don't think that's a good idea.

Bette Munroe: Why not? Marsh... I want to… Don't you?

Marsh Janowski: You don't want me, Bette. You're just bored and lonely and I'm what's around right now.

Bette Munroe: Why would you say that?

Marsh Janowski: It's okay… I'm not interested in you either.

Bette Munroe: What, then... Then why do you keep comin' over?

Marsh Janowski: Because I like to have dinner with you and Bernard. And have somebody else to cook for a change… Then after dinner, when you fall asleep in front of the TV... I like to go upstairs to your son's room… Bette, I like fucking him.

Bette Munroe: What?

Marsh Janowski: Yeah. Sometimes I let him fuck me.

Bette Munroe: He's... He's just a kid.

Marsh Janowski: He's 21, Bette. And he knows what he's doing. I didn't know shit when I was his age.

Bette Munroe: Excuse me.


Judy Talbot: Bette, you okay?

Bette Munroe: I'm fine. I'll be right out.


Kate Fletcher: Tell me about yourself.

Mark Brewer: I graduated, um, three years ago.

Kate Fletcher: No, I know all that from your CV. Tell me about you. Your life. Do you... Are you married? Do you have kids? A girlfriend?

Mark Brewer: I think I'm a few years away from any girl wanting to... Date me.

Kate Fletcher: Why do you say that?

Mark Brewer: Because I'm unemployed, uh, I live in a shitty apartment with, like... Five roommates. I can barely take care of myself, let alone somebody else.

Kate Fletcher: Isn't that a bit sexist? Not every girl needs taking care of.

Mark Brewer: Would you mind telling my mom that? And every girl I've ever dated.

Kate Fletcher: When I met Garry, he was selling gym memberships… Now he's a VP at Vanguard.

Mark Brewer: Yeah. It's cool that you guys work together.

Kate Fletcher: Would you mind telling my husband that? Turns out men don't actually love taking orders from women.

Mark Brewer: Now who's being sexist? Some men love taking orders from women.


Garry: Yeah, work's good, you know? Busy.

Marsh Janowski: Yeah, haven't seen you guys for a while.

Garry: Yeah, Kate's got me on this diet. I don't get to the gym as often as I used to, you know, with work.

Marsh Janowski: You're not gonna be on your deathbed wishing you'd been to the gym more often.

Garry: You know, that is very true… So, are you and Bette...

Marsh Janowski: No.

Garry: She likes you though.

Marsh Janowski: Not anymore, she doesn't.

Garry: Ah.

Marsh Janowski: Sorry to ruin your lunch.

Garry: No, you didn't ruin my lunch. Kate did. She's auditioning the new me.

Marsh Janowski: He's just a kid.

Garry: So was I… Shame about my burger though.

Marsh Janowski: You want me to make you a new one?

Garry: Can I eat it in here?

Marsh Janowski: Sure.


Bette Munroe: Oh, I'm sorry to make you wait.

Judy Talbot: Oh, no, I... No, I was waiting for you. Are you okay? Is it Marsh? I... I see the way you look at him sometimes, so...

Bette Munroe: Oh, what is wrong with me?

Judy Talbot: Nothing. If he broke up with you, there's something wrong with him.

Bette Munroe: He didn't break up with me. Apparently, we weren't even dating.

Judy Talbot: Shit. I'm sorry.

Bette Munroe: No. No, it's a good thing. Believe me… I should get back to work.

Judy Talbot: Really? You gonna be okay in there with Marsh?

Bette Munroe: You know what? Fuck Marsh.


Kate Fletcher: He used to be really attractive.

Mark Brewer: Uh, he's still a handsome guy.

Kate Fletcher: I guess I just know him now.

Mark Brewer: God, what happens once you get to know someone?

Kate Fletcher: Once you get to know Garry... He'll fuck anything... Except me… Which is fine, because he's not very good at it… Are you?


Garry: It's all about control with Kate. When I met her, I had nothing. She gave me everything, but not because she loves me. No. So I won't leave, so she won't be alone. So people will think she's lovable, but she's not… She's cold. She's perfect, and I'm not. I love to eat, drink, fuck… Kate doesn't like to do any of those things.

Marsh Janowski: So, what do you do?

Garry: When I'm with her, I'm a good boy. When I'm not... I'm pretty bad.

Marsh Janowski: How bad?

Garry: Sometimes you just need to get your dick sucked. You know?


Bette Munroe: Donna's lucky to have you.

Judy Talbot: I don't know about that. I think we broke up last night.

Bette Munroe: Oh, no, I'm so sorry.

Judy Talbot: I know you don't like her.

Bette Munroe: Well, that's not true. I just... I don't like her for you. You need someone you don't have to take care of all the time. Someone positive and fun who'll take care of you.

Judy Talbot: Someone positive and fun... Like, you?

Bette Munroe: No. Or yes, I don't know. Someone who sees... How smart you are, and how beautiful. And... What'd you do that for? What is happening right now?


Mark Brewer: Your husband can see us.

Kate Fletcher: He's gone.

Mark Brewer: Everyone's gone.

Kate Fletcher: Do you miss them?


Reporter: The Vienna Zoo is reporting that two giant pandas have successfully mated after ten years of trying. Reports are that the pandas, Bao Lin and Pai Gao, have mated after a decade-long courtship effort by zoo staffers. Personally, I don't blame them for not wanting to procreate since they are two of only about two thousand pandas in existence...


Bette Munroe: What if it's Donna?

Judy Talbot: It's not. She never wants to see me again.

Bette Munroe: You don't know that.

Judy Talbot: I do. And I don't blame her.

Bette Munroe: Why? What happened?

Judy Talbot: I hit her… Last night when we were fighting... I hit her in the face.


Mark Brewer: Hey, man, just... Just take it easy.

Garry: Think you're man enough for her, huh?

Mark Brewer: Easy.

Garry: Let's see what you got.

Mark Brewer: Just chill.

Kate Fletcher: Garry, get off him!

Garry: Not bad… You're not much of a fighter though. You're weak. You're fucking pathetic. You're perfect for her.

Kate Fletcher: Oh, my God! Oh, my God, Garry!

Mark Brewer: I'm sorry.

Kate Fletcher: Garry? What did you do?

Mark Brewer: He attacked me. You saw.

Kate Fletcher: Garry?

Mark Brewer: You all saw, he tried to choke me.

Kate Fletcher: Somebody call an ambulance.

Mark Brewer: I would never do anything to hurt anyone. I would never. That's not who I am.

Reporter: Assaults, and random senseless murders in a wave of violence that appears to be happening worldwide.

Bette Munroe: I don't think it is you. I think it's him.

Reporter: Accidents and disasters, traffic pileups, trains colliding, planes crashing. The governor has issued a state of emergency...

Bette Munroe: You said you were gonna change the world. I didn't believe you.

Reporter: We're also getting reports of gas line explosions and power grid failures across the country.

John Dee: All I did was take away the lies. You all did the rest. You did what you wanted to.

Bette Munroe: I never wanted this.

John Dee: You didn't want to be seen, or touched, or loved?

Mark Brewer: I didn't wanna kill anyone.

John Dee: Yes, you did. Or you wouldn't have done it… Kate wanted to kill him too.

Kate Fletcher: I did not.

John Dee: You don't have to pretend anymore. You can have what you want… Put the knives down… Put the knives down… I offered you a world where you could be yourselves without having to suffer for it, but it seems you enjoy your suffering… And if that is your truth, then perhaps your suffering will set you free.


John Dee: The truth is a cleansing fire... Which burns away the lies we've told each other... And the lies we've told ourselves… So that love and hate, pleasure and pain... Can all be expressed... Without shame… Where there is no good or bad... There is only the truth.


Reporter: Power grid failures across the country. It seems the semitruck carrying potassium hydroxide that Terri mentioned earlier was ignited in the middle of I-95 after a group of people stormed the police barricade and set it on fire. The explosion is said to have caused a subsequent fire engulfing a number of cars and trucks, one of which was a tanker truck carrying gasoline. Ninety-five is an inferno, and the high winds are carrying burning hot ash into the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Bette Munroe: How is this a better world?

John Dee: You're still seeing it with your eyes. You need to close them… Embrace the darkness.


Bette Munroe: I see the future.

John Dee: Then tell me. Tell me my future.

Judy Talbot: You come from dust.

Kate Fletcher: You walk the dust.

Bette Munroe: You go back to dust.

John Dee: That's everyone's future. Tell me my future.

Judy Talbot: There is no future for you, John Dee.

Kate Fletcher: It is bound by walls and guards and the sour smell of madness.

Bette Munroe: And then the skein of your life is cut, son of your mother.

John Dee: No. Look again. Tell me my future.

Judy Talbot: You have stolen some of the power of Dream's.

Kate Fletcher: You will take all of it.

Bette Munroe: You will crush the Dream lord's life in your hands.


John Dee: Hello. I'm John… I'm glad you're here. The power has gone out. So there's no TV, and no one left to talk to.

Dream: What is it you think you're doing?

John Dee: Saving the world from its lies.

Dream: The ruby wasn't made for that.

John Dee: Oh, you're The Sandman… My mother was right. She said you'd be coming for it.

Dream: You must return it to me so that I can repair the damage you have done.

John Dee: I'm not giving it to you, it's mine.

Dream: It is harming you, John, and your world.

John Dee: It's revealing the truth. This is the truth of mankind.

Dream: No. You're wrong. This is the truth of mankind.


Bette Munroe: How's work going?

Kate Fletcher: Good, you know. Busy.

John Dee: They're lying to themselves.

Kate Fletcher: Garry's supervising a new venture that looks promising.

John Dee: It's all lies.

Dream: Not lies, John. Dreams.

Kate Fletcher: Right, sweetie?

Dream: Kate dreams of running away, where no one will find her.

Garry: How are you, Bette?

Dream: Garry dreams of proving his father was wrong about him.

Garry: How's Bernard doing? How's your writing going?

Kate Fletcher: Yeah, how's the novel?

Bette Munroe: Good, you know.


Dream: Bette dreams of creating something that matters to people. Their dreams inspired them.


Bette Munroe: I thought I'd have more time to write with Bernard off at college, but it's been great having him home, so...

Dream: Their dreams kept them alive. But if you rob them of their dreams, if you take away their hope, then... Yes, this is the truth of mankind.


Dream: The ruby is hurting you, John. It has too much of my power within it. It stole more when I tried to use it.

John Dee: Then perhaps if I use it to steal the rest of your powers, I will be the King of Dreams.

Dream: If you'd rob a Dream Lord of his power, you shall do so in his realm… In dreams.


Ethel Cripps: Welcome home, Johnny… Don't be such a baby, Johnny.


Ethel Cripps: Go to sleep, Johnny. Please.

John Dee: Mother?

Ethel Cripps: Johnny, you have to go to sleep.


Ethel Cripps: Your father was right. I never should have had you.

John Dee: It's a dream! It's a dream. It's a dream.


John Dee: Is this your palace... Dream Lord? Is this your throne... King of Lies? Well, it's mine now! Are you watching? Can you see me? Using your own powers to burn away your lies?

Dream: You must stop… It is not too late to save yourself.

John Dee: Oh, you think it's me that needs saving?

Dream: Your father stole the ruby from me and cursed you with it.

John Dee: You mean he blessed me with it… Your reign ended when my father captured you… Your Kingdom is my birthright… Your power resides within me… How does it feel to know I hold your life in my hands?

Dream: You’re hurting the dreamers.

John Dee: Well, it's time they woke up! Your life and your lies end now.


John Dee: I did it. I killed him. I won.

Dream: Thank you, John.

John Dee: But I killed you.

Dream: You destroyed the ruby and released the power inside it. I would never have thought of that. I'd forgotten just how much of myself I had placed in the jewel.

John Dee: Are you going to kill me?

Dream: I could… Perhaps I will… But the dream stone was not made for mortals. And it came to you through no fault of your own… So, no, John. I will not kill you.


Dream: Sleep well, John.


Matthew: All the damage the ruby did, can you undo it?

Dream: The ruby didn't do this. John merely used it to reveal wounds that were hidden, but never healed… Tomorrow, the rebuilding will begin… In this realm and in mine. But tonight at least... Humanity will sleep in peace.

Desire: I'm watching you... Big brother.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 20 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

15.12.2023 vers 02h

01.07.2023 vers 23h

12.03.2023 vers 18h

28.01.2023 vers 20h

19.09.2022 vers 19h

02.09.2022 vers 08h

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Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

Activité récente
Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne TF1

Le remplaçant, S02E06
Lundi 10 juin à 22:00
3.13m / 18.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne France 2

Drops of god, S01E08
Lundi 10 juin à 22:00
1.78m / 9.5% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne TF1

Le remplaçant, S02E05
Lundi 10 juin à 21:10
3.75m / 18.1% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne France 2

Drops of god, S01E07
Lundi 10 juin à 21:10
1.93m / 9.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne France 2

Un si grand Soleil, S06E185
Lundi 10 juin à 20:45
3.05m / 14.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne TF1

Demain nous appartient, S07E204
Lundi 10 juin à 19:15
2.42m / 14.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne M6

NCIS, S21E10
Samedi 8 juin à 21:55
1.12m / 6.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne M6

NCIS, S21E09
Samedi 8 juin à 21:10
1.17m / 6.6% (Part)

Toutes les audiences

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Emilie1905, 05.06.2024 à 09:37

Une bannière pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale attend vos clics du côté des préférences ! Merci d'avance

sanct08, 05.06.2024 à 16:19

Hello le nouveau mois n'attend que vous chez Le Caméléon, The X-Files et Star Trek !

sanct08, 05.06.2024 à 16:19

Pas besoin de connaître les séries pour voter aux sondages et jouer avec nous ! On vous attend :=)

Profilage, Avant-hier à 07:20

En ce jour d'élections, rien de mieux que finir par l'isoloir de Esprits Criminels. Non ? On vous y attend !

serieserie, Hier à 14:13

Nouveau sondage & Nouvelle énigme du mois sur le quartier Astrid & Raphaëlle ! J'ai hâte de lire vos réponses !

Viens chatter !


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