#103 : Rêve encore un peu de moi

Morpheus recherche la dernière personne connue comme étant en possession de son sable et reçoit une leçon d'humanité qu'il n'attendait pas. Ethel rend visite à son fils.


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Dream a Little Dream of Me

Titre VF
Rêve encore un peu de moi

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Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Jamie Childs

Scénario : Vanessa Benton, Catherine Smyth-McMullen

Casting :
Tom Sturridge ... Dream
Boyd Holbrook ... The Corinthian
Vivinne Acheampong ... Lucienne
Patton Oswalt ... Matthew

Guests :
Jenna Coleman ... Johanna Constantine
Joely Richardson ... Ethel Cripps
Meera Syal ... Erica
Clare Higgins ... Hettie
David Thewlis ... John Dee
Eleanor Fanyinka ... Rachel
Hannah van der Westhuysen ... La Princesse
Stephen Odubola ... Kevin Brody
Marcus Fraser ... Agilieth
Stevie Hutchinson ... Alex Logue
Nina Galano ... Astra Logue
Joe Corrigall ... Sam

Chapter 3: Dream a little Dream of me

Astra: Johanna!

Johanna Constantine: Astra. I came as soon as I got your text… What is it? What's happened?

Astra: We have to go. We have to get out of here now!

Johanna Constantine: We will. Tell me what's happened.

Astra: He said it was an accident, like when Mum died.

Johanna Constantine: Where is he?


Johanna Constantine: Oi. Logue.

Logue: Hello, Johanna.

Johanna Constantine: What the fuck did you do?

Logue: We was just havin' a bit of fun.

Johanna Constantine: "Bit of fun"? Summoning demons for fun? Who's "we"? Where are the others?

Logue: Must still be inside.

Johanna Constantine: Inside the club?

Logue: You don't wanna go in there.

Johanna Constantine: No. No, I bloody don't. But someone has to clean up your shit.

Astra: I'll come with ya.

Johanna Constantine: Believe it or not, love, it's safer in here, with your father.


Driver: All right, miss. We're here.

Johanna Constantine: Sorry, long day.

Driver: Mine's just getting started.

Johanna Constantine: I have a feeling mine is as well.


Hettie: Johanna Constantine… Look at you, all done up.

Johanna Constantine: What are you doing here, Hettie?

Hettie: Same as you, I expect. He's coming, isn't he?

Johanna Constantine: Who?

Hettie: Yeah, well, you know who… Morpheus… The Oneiromancer. You know, the Sandman, he's back.

Johanna Constantine: "The Sandman"? The one who puts the kids to sleep? He's a fairy story, Hettie.

Hettie: He's no fairy story, missy. He's back, and he wants his sand.

Johanna Constantine: Good to know. I'm off to work.

Hettie: You'll see. I know… I'm 280 years old, and I know.


Dream: Constantine.

Johanna Constantine: Have we met?

Dream: We have business, you and I.

Johanna Constantine: Get in line, bruv… Can't keep God waiting.


Johanna Constantine: Ric the Vic.

Erica: You're here! Thank God.

Johanna Constantine: Not as a favour though. I'm getting paid, or I'm going to bed.

Erica: Of course you are getting paid. This visit is strictly professional. Unless you, um, wanna get a drink after.

Johanna Constantine: Tell me what's going on. Why have I been summoned?

Erica: The usual reason. I have a soul in need.

Johanna Constantine: Who is she?

Erica: Hmm? Does it matter? If I double your fee? Triple it? Her family has means.

Johanna Constantine: If her family is in any way royal, the answer is no. I'm done with that lot. I told the queen...

Erica: The queen doesn't know she's here.

Johanna Constantine: Is it the princess?

Erica: She showed up about an hour ago demanding I that marry them before the palace find out, and the press.

Johanna Constantine: Why, who's she marrying?

Erica: Kevin Brody.

Johanna Constantine: Kevin Brody, the footballer? He's rubbish.

Erica: He's fit though.

Johanna Constantine: Just because a Goldsmiths-educated princess wants to marry some naff winger, does not mean she needs an exorcist.

Erica: It's not just that. Just have a chat with her, you'll see.

Johanna Constantine: No, it's too risky with the royals.

Erica: But...

Johanna Constantine: If our chat goes wrong, I've a dead princess on my hand, a demon on the loose, and no one to pay my fee.

Princess: Fuck off!

Johanna Constantine: Jesus fuck.

Princess: What are you doing to me?

Johanna Constantine: Is that her?

Erica: Can you not smell the sulfur?

Johanna Constantine: Where is she?

Erica: Thank you. She's in my office. You're gonna need the Rituale Romanum.

Johanna Constantine: I can't barge in spouting Latin at her. Has she been restrained, or is that why she sounds like that?

Erica: She sounds like that 'cause she's possessed by a fucking demon.

Johanna Constantine: Can we at least drug her first? Get her drunk, tie her up a little bit?

Erica: She's British royalty.

Johanna Constantine: They love that shit.

Erica: Any other ideas?

Johanna Constantine: Yeah… Take your top off.


Johanna Constantine: Do you, Princess, take this...

Princess: I do.

Kevin Brody: Wait, babe, are you absolutely sure you wanna do this?

Princess: I said "I do" because I do, Kevin.

Kevin Brody: No, I mean, you sure you don't want a big royal-wedding-of-the-century type wedding? With the queen and photographers and stuff?

Princess: I just want you… Get on with it, please.

Johanna Constantine: Do you, Kevin, take...

Kevin Brody: Ow. Yeah, yeah, I do.

Johanna Constantine: Then repeat after me. [Speaking Latin]

Princess: [Speaking Latin]

Kevin Brody: [Speaking Latin]

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Princess: [Speaking Latin]

Kevin Brody: [Speaking Latin] Sorry, I've been fasting… Just in case there were photographers. You know what I'm saying? Doesn't matter.

Princess: Keep going.

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Princess: [Speaking Latin]

Kevin Brody: [Speaking Latin] Sorry, can we...

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Princess: Are you going to be sick? Kevin? Are you going to be sick during our wedding?

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Princess: Kevin.

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin] Ric!.. You were right about the demon, wrong about the host.

Erica: Fuckin' hell.

Johanna Constantine: Get her out.

Princess: My God! Kevin...

Erica: Come on, love. Come on. Come with me.

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Agilieth: You... Talk too much.

Johanna Constantine: Tell me your name and I'll stop.

Agilieth: Why would I do that? When there are far more enjoyable ways to make you stop.

Dream: His name is Agilieth.

Agilieth: I'm flattered you remember me, Lord Morpheus, after all your time away.

Johanna Constantine: Lord Morpheus?

Agilieth: He is. Though, I confess, I almost didn't recognize you without your helm. I wonder where your helm could be.

Dream: I presume it is in Hell, with the demon to whom it was traded.

Agilieth: Yes, but which demon? Give me the princess and I'll tell you.

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Dream: Wait.

Agilieth: Fine, fine! I'll tell you where your helm is, just don't send me back.

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Dream: Constantine. Stop!

Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Dream: I command you!

Agilieth: Dream of the Endless commands you!

Dream: Stop!

Johanna Constantine: Run along and fuck off back to Hell.

Dream: You have no idea what you've done.

Johanna Constantine: I do though… I've just tripled my fee… Oi, Ric! Whom do I invoice for this, Church of England or Buckingham Palace?


John Dee: Is this a test? Are you testing me?

Ethel Cripps: No.

John Dee: You're usually so careful not to mention it. I assumed it was because my doctors told you not to.

Ethel Cripps: So why now? What's happened?


Corinthian: You stole from him.


Ethel Cripps: Nothing's happened. I just...

John Dee: Do you think I don't know when you're lying?

Ethel Cripps: Look, let's just say that I have it on good authority that the ruby's owner is coming for it and for the people who stole it from him.

John Dee: Then he's coming for you. You're the one who stole it from him.

Ethel Cripps: And you're the one who stole it from me. You're the only one who knows where it is. He is coming, John.

John Dee: You've been saying that for years.

Ethel Cripps: Yes, but this time, it...

John Dee: Every time, every time you moved us to a new town and changed our last name, wasn't because your boyfriend of the time was beating the shit out of us, it was because the Sandman was coming...

Ethel Cripps: I was trying to protect you.

John Dee: From whom? The Sandman? Or from my father?

Ethel Cripps: I told you, John, your father died when you were a baby.

John Dee: Yes. You've been saying that for years too, but you lie about everything, lie for a living, you're Ethel Cripps, Ethel Dee, you're Madame Daudet, and apparently, I'm a man called John Burgess.

Ethel Cripps: Who told you that?

John Dee: The one... Good thing about being in prison, you do have plenty of time to read, and according to this, according to "The History of Ritual Magic in England," the ruby once belonged to a rival of Aleister Crowley called Roderick Burgess. He also kept a mistress called Ethel Cripps. My father didn't die when I was a baby, did he? My father was Roderick Burgess.

Ethel Cripps: Your father was a cunt who wanted me to abort you.

John Dee: That may be the first honest thing you've ever said to me… You want me to give you the ruby? Then you tell me everything… And this time, you tell me the truth.


Erica: Yeah. The duke and duchess are on their way to pick up the princess. Poor thing… She did seem possessed.

Johanna Constantine: She was. Love fucks you up.

Erica: Your new man is not unfit.

Johanna Constantine: He's not my man. He's not even a man.

Erica: What is he then?

Johanna Constantine: He's Endless.


Hettie: I said the Sandman, and I meant the bleedin' Sandman. It's good to have you back, milord. Don't let her mess you about.

Johanna Constantine: My gran used to tell me stories about you lot.

Dream: I've known your family for centuries.

Johanna Constantine: Then you know there's not one of us that can be trusted… What do you want with me?

Dream: Something of mine came into your possession. A leather pouch filled with sand. I need it back.

Johanna Constantine: Oh, that was yours? Bought it at an estate sale. Didn't even manage to get the drawstrings open.

Dream: Where is it?

Johanna Constantine: No idea. Could be anywhere.

Dream: We must find it.

Johanna Constantine: Must we? Why is that?

Dream: Because without it, my realm will cease to exist, and if dreams disappear, then so will humanity.

Johanna Constantine: No offense, but... I could do without dreams for a while. Haven't had a decent night's sleep in ages.

Dream: Nor will you. Until we find the sand. We must go, now.

Johanna Constantine: Does this approach generally work for you? You just turn up and order people about?

Dream: Yes.

Johanna Constantine: All right. I'll help you find your sand.

Dream: Good.

Johanna Constantine: First thing tomorrow, and I work alone.

Dream: No.

Johanna Constantine: Don't want you and your friend following me all over London.

Dream: My friend?

Johanna Constantine: Is that not your raven? My gran said Dream always had a raven.

Dream: Not anymore.


Dream: Who are you? Tell me your name.

Matthew: It's, uh, Matthew, sir.

Dream: Matthew, I've made it clear to Lucienne that I do not require a raven at this time.

Matthew: Yeah, she told me you'd say that.

Dream: If I need assistance, I will ask for it.

Matthew: Uh, you do, actually... She's getting away. Sir, she... See, this... This is why you need a raven.

Dream: Go back to the Dreaming, Matthew.


Ethel Cripps: The only reason I stole the tools was because I thought they'd help us. Then your father's men came after us, so I hid the ruby, and traded the others... For this.

John Dee: The Amulet of Protection.

Ethel Cripps: It's what's kept me alive all these years. But it won't do the same for you. That's why I need the ruby, John.

John Dee: Even if I told you where it was, it wouldn't do any good. I've altered it… It only works for me now… You don't believe me, you can try to use it. See what happens.

Ethel Cripps: John, I have no intention of using it. I want us to give it back to him… Maybe he'll forgive us.

John Dee: Maybe… But maybe we shouldn't give away a jewel that makes dreams come true, when we could use it to dream of a world without the Sandman… We could start again.


Matthew: I'm back.

Dream: Yes, in spite of my telling you to leave.

Matthew: I... I can't. I... The boss lady told me...

Dream: Lucienne is not your master.

Matthew: She told me you'd say that too.

Dream: Do you know who I am?

Matthew: Not entirely, but I... I don't even know who I am anymore. A couple hours ago, I apparently died in my sleep, and now I... I'm a bird. I... I used to have thumbs. Now, I have these things.

Dream: Yes. And you must use them to fly back to the Dreaming. This world is not safe.

Matthew: You think I don't know that? I lived my whole life here. That's why Lucienne sent me to help you.

Dream: My last raven came here to help me.

Matthew: Yeah? Where is he now?

Dream: Her name was Jessamy. She died… Trying to help me.

Matthew: I'm sorry. Look, let me at least help you find this woman. If she's asleep, we've probably got five or six hours before she's on the move again.

Dream: If she is asleep, then I know exactly where to find her.


Johanna Constantine: [Speaking Latin]

Astra: Johanna!

Johanna Constantine: Astra! Astra! Go back, now! [Speaking Latin]

Astra: No!

Johanna Constantine: Astra! No! [speaking Latin]

Astra: Don't let go!

Johanna Constantine: Astra! Astra! No!


Johanna Constantine: For fuck's sake… How did you find me?

Dream: You were dreaming. But it wasn't only a dream, was it? It's a memory. No wonder you do not sleep.

Johanna Constantine: Maybe I don't deserve to.

Dream: Perhaps not… But I could make it go away.

Johanna Constantine: Only if I help you find your sand.

Dream: Though, finding anything in this place may require more magic than even you can muster.

Johanna Constantine: I'll look in the office… Try not to clean up while I'm gone.

Dream: I'm coming with you. You have a gift for disappearing.

Johanna Constantine: All right. But if the mess in here offends you, wait till you see my office.


Dream: Why do you humans love objects so much?

Johanna Constantine: They do come in handy sometimes. You seem pretty attached to your sand.

Dream: It's not just an object, it's a part of me.

Johanna Constantine: If that's true, how'd you happen to lose it?

Dream: It was stolen by another magic user called Burgess.

Johanna Constantine: Wait, not Roderick Burgess? The old Demon King himself, eh? Everyone used to say he was a fake. Said he had the Devil locked up in his basement. How the fuck did you... Shit… Wasn't the Devil he had locked up in his basement, was it? Were you down there? All this time?

Dream: Is this you?

Johanna Constantine: Why? Do I look that different? Or younger?

Dream: No… Happy.

Johanna Constantine: Shit. I know where your sand is.


John Dee: I've missed you, Mother. We were always very close, you and I. Especially when it was just the two of us.

Ethel Cripps: It never was just the two of us, was it?

John Dee: Well, when you were between boyfriends.

Ethel Cripps: No. I meant the ruby.

John Dee: Well, you only ever showed it to me on birthdays. You'd tell me to make a wish and a pony would appear in the garden or there'd be snow in... In July in my bedroom.

Ethel Cripps: I should never have done that.

John Dee: No, it was wonderful… I should never have stolen it from you.

Ethel Cripps: I should never have stolen it.

John Dee: You did what you had to do to keep us both alive. I understand that now. And I'm just glad I can return the favour… If you bring me the ruby.

Ethel Cripps: I don't think that's a good idea.

John Dee: I told you I fixed it. The only reason those people got hurt the last time was...

Ethel Cripps: People didn't get hurt, John. People died. You killed them.

John Dee: They were trying to take it from me. I was defending myself… And now I can use it to defend you.

Ethel Cripps: But I don't need defending. I've got this. It's you I'm trying to save.

John Dee: Is it?

Ethel Cripps: What can I do to make you believe me?

John Dee: What are you doing?

Ethel Cripps: What I should have done long ago. Protecting my son… If I give you this, you won't need the ruby.


Dream: Who is she? The woman in the picture.

Johanna Constantine: Her name's Rachel, Rachel Moodie.

Dream: Does she deal in magic as well?

Johanna Constantine: God, no. No, she's actually a decent person. Proper job, nice family. Fuckin' hated all the magic stuff.

Dream: And yet you left the sand with her.

Johanna Constantine: No, I did not leave it with her. Sort of left it… And her… I was staying at her place. She interpreted that as us living together, which we weren't, so, one night, I just went on a job and... Never went back.

Dream: Why?

Johanna Constantine: Because it never ends well, does it?

Dream: What? Love? No. I suppose it doesn't.

Johanna Constantine: I don't know if you've noticed, but people around me tend to get ripped in half or cast down to Hell. Safer for her if I left.

Dream: Did you tell her that?

Johanna Constantine: No. I suppose I'll have to now. This is her. Or it used to be. It's been six months. Maybe she might've moved house. Please, have moved house… Oh, bollocks… Maybe we'll get lucky and she won't be... That's weird. She didn't even ask who it is… Maybe she's expecting someone. This could get awkward. More... Awkward… Wait here. No, you're not.

Dream: I'm coming with you.

Johanna Constantine: No, you're not. Do you have any idea how much she probably hates me? Do you have any ex-girlfriends?

Dream: I will not wait long.

Johanna Constantine: You won't have to. She's gonna slam the door in my face, like I'm about to do with you... Right now.


Johanna Constantine: Just get on with it.

Rachel Moodie: Oh, my God.

Johanna Constantine: Hiya, Rach.

Rachel Moodie: What are you doing here?

Johanna Constantine: I probably should have called... First. Sorry. Um... Hi.

Rachel Moodie: Hi.

Johanna Constantine: I had all of these, um... Things planned, what I wanted to say.

Rachel Moodie: Go on then. Don't let me stop you.

Johanna Constantine: You look well.

Rachel Moodie: You look well.

Johanna Constantine: Uh, right, well, um... Sorry to bother you. I left some things behind when we broke up, and I was wondering if...

Rachel Moodie: Did we... Break up... Exactly?

Johanna Constantine: Yeah. Uh, no, fair point. That was bad of me, and... Wrong. I should have phoned or at least texted.

Rachel Moodie: Do you wanna come in? And apologize properly?


Matthew: I say this as someone who was recently human. Human beings cannot be trusted.

Dream: No.

Matthew: If I were Johanna Constantine, I'd be up there cutting a deal with Rachel to keep the sand, then cut the dream sand with real sand and sell it to the highest bidder. But then, I wasn't the best person when I was a person. We can't all be Jessamy, who was apparently perfect in every way.

Dream: Matthew, I...

Matthew: No, I get that you don't think you need a raven, but if you're out here, waiting for human beings to help anyone but themselves, you're gonna be sitting out here in the rain forever… Whatever they're doing up there, they're not thinking about you.


Rachel Moodie: Shall we, um, take this apology into the bedroom?

Johanna Constantine: It's going well, isn't it?

Rachel Moodie: Yes, but you have a lot to apologize for.

Johanna Constantine: I know.

Rachel Moodie: When you left that night...

Johanna Constantine: Rach.

Rachel Moodie: When you left that night...

Johanna Constantine: Do we have to?

Rachel Moodie: And you didn't come home… I was terrified.

Johanna Constantine: I'm sorry.

Rachel Moodie: I called everyone. Chas and Renee, Ric the Vic. I even called your exes.

Johanna Constantine: You did not… Which ones?

Rachel Moodie: Sarah… Oliver.

Johanna Constantine: Oh, shit.

Rachel Moodie: And Kit Ryan… But they all told me to just get over you. Because you're a selfish, ruthless coward… Who ruins everything she touches.

Johanna Constantine: Rach.

Dream: Constantine. Wake up.


Johanna Constantine: What did you do to me?

Dream: It was the sand.

Johanna Constantine: Where's Rachel?


Johanna Constantine: Rachel? Rach?

Rachel Moodie: Jo? Jo? Is that you? That's such a wonderful dream.

Johanna Constantine: What's happened to her?

Dream: It was not meant for humans.

Rachel Moodie: No, no! No, give it back. Please. It hurts.

Dream: We can go.

Johanna Constantine: What? What? We can't go. We can't leave her like this.

Dream: We can't help her. The sand was the only thing keeping her alive.

Johanna Constantine: You have to do something. If it wasn't for your sand, she wouldn't be like this.

Dream: I'm not the one who left her with it.

Johanna Constantine: What is wrong with you? You want your sand back so that you can save all of humanity, well, here she is! But we're all just Roderick Burgess to you… All you care about is your sand. Your power… What is the point of you? Well, you got your sand back. Why are you still here if you won't help?

Dream: Wait outside.

Johanna Constantine: Rach...

Rachel Moodie: I'm sorry, Jo. I'm so sorry.

Johanna Constantine: It's my fault. All of it. Should never have left it with you… Should never have left.

Rachel Moodie: Well, you came back, though. Didn't you?


John Dee: No. No, put it back on. I've seen what happens to people who get on the wrong side of you and that thing.

Ethel Cripps: I am trying to save you, not hurt you. Here. This kept me alive for 116 years so far. I hope it keeps you alive forever. It's all a mother wants, really. Take it… One last thing… I'm sorry I was such a shit mum.

John Dee: No. Mother. Take it back.

Ethel Cripps: It's too late now, love.

John Dee: No… Guard! Mother.

Ethel Cripps: You don't need the ruby… No one can hurt you now.


Sam: What did you do to her?

John Dee: Nothing. I didn't do anything.

Sam: I need you to step away from her. Okay?

John Dee: You don't want to point that gun at me, I promise you.

Sam: Security requesting backup.

John Dee: Why don't you just let me go? For your own sake.

Sam: I'm warning you, John, I will shoot.

John Dee: You'll only be hurting yourself… I'm sorry.


Guard 1: Freeze!

Guard 2: Hold it right there! Don't move! Don't you fucking move!


Corinthian: It's too cold for you to be out here without a coat.

John Dee: Well, that's very kind of you.

Corinthian: No, please. I insist. Yeah.

John Dee: What about you?

Corinthian: Oh, I don't mind the cold. There, much better.

John Dee: May I return it to you when I get to where I'm going?

Corinthian: The only thing that matters to me is that you get to where you're going.

John Dee: Thank you.

Corinthian: Thank you.


Dream: She died in peace. In her sleep.

Johanna Constantine: I'll let her dad know… You know, she was actually a good person… There are a few of them out there, you know. They're not all like me and Roderick Burgess.

Dream: You are not Roderick Burgess.

Johanna Constantine: And what's your friend's name?

Dream: His name is Matthew, but he is not my...

Johanna Constantine: Look after him, Matthew… He needs it.

Dream: Constantine! That nightmare won't trouble you anymore.


Matthew: That was... Nice, what you did up there.

Dream: Don't ever spy on me again.

Matthew: I wasn't spying. If I were spying on you, you'd never know it… So what's our next move?

Dream: I'm going in search of my helm. And you are going to the Dreaming.

Matthew: Or, hear me out, you could take me with you, and we'll never have to have this conversation ever again.

Dream: That does sound tempting. In fact, where I am going, I may have need of you.

Matthew: Yeah? Where are we going?

Dream: Hell.

Matthew: Hell. As in Hell-Hell, or were you being metaphorical? Because either way, we should probably check in with Lucienne first, right? See how she's feeling about it. I'm gonna go out on a limb, which is something birds actually do, and say she will not be in favour of Hell-going. But I don't get a sense you're listening, so, fuck it, let's go to Hell!

Kikavu ?

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À surveiller la semaine prochaine sur vos écrans !

À surveiller la semaine prochaine sur vos écrans !
Découvrez le programme des chaînes et plateformes, francophones et anglophones, pour la semaine...

Un sondage sur les examens !

Un sondage sur les examens !
Le dernier sondage vous demandait de choisir votre série sur les avocats favorite parmi une première...

Une saison 3 pour The Mallorca Files avec Enrique Arce parmi les nombreux invités

Une saison 3 pour The Mallorca Files avec Enrique Arce parmi les nombreux invités
Prime Video a annoncé le retour de la série policière The Mallorca Files pour une troisième saison...


Emilie1905, 05.06.2024 à 09:37

Une bannière pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale attend vos clics du côté des préférences ! Merci d'avance

sanct08, 05.06.2024 à 16:19

Hello le nouveau mois n'attend que vous chez Le Caméléon, The X-Files et Star Trek !

sanct08, 05.06.2024 à 16:19

Pas besoin de connaître les séries pour voter aux sondages et jouer avec nous ! On vous attend :=)

Profilage, Avant-hier à 07:20

En ce jour d'élections, rien de mieux que finir par l'isoloir de Esprits Criminels. Non ? On vous y attend !

serieserie, Hier à 14:13

Nouveau sondage & Nouvelle énigme du mois sur le quartier Astrid & Raphaëlle ! J'ai hâte de lire vos réponses !

Viens chatter !


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

Inscris-toi maintenant
